Discovering Our Place In the Universe

For about 100,000 years, since “fully modern humans” emerged from Africa, we humans have been as we are—tribal, self-centered, and with brains, minds and cultures dominated by the unparalleled adaptive strategy of symbolic thought.

Now, as the fragmentation of the earth and humanity by the unwise use of conscious thought reaches the breaking point, pressure increases tremendously for a transmutation of the human species. Is that possible? Yes, since our brains have been exapted for insight. There can be an explosion of insight, a psychological revolution, which will allow us to survive and thrive as a truly intelligent species.

That a single species has the power to decimate the planet that gave rise to it is an existential mystery, and poses a question about the evolution of consciousness itself. How did nature evolve a species that separates animal and plant species from the seamless wholeness of the earth’s ecosystems to the breaking point, and in so doing, fragments itself to the breaking point?

The universe unfolds in immeasurable levels of order, which science will never completely discover and render into knowledge. One species alone, at least on this planet, is generating increasing degrees of fragmentation and disorder. Something has to give, and it won’t be nature.

Many take false refuge in the idea that humankind is unimportant, an infinitesimal speck on a speck in space. But the very fact that humans evolved along with all other life, yet are bringing about the Sixth Extinction in the history of life on Earth, begs the question: What is the place of cognitively complex and technological species in the universe?

Often so-called religious people insist that the previous five extinction events (defined as “sharp decreases in the number of species in a relatively short period of time”) mean that nature is destructive, so we shouldn’t expect man not to be. Does one really need to point out that there is a vast difference between a natural event and one caused by an allegedly sapient species?

Conventional atheists and New Agers echo the refrain that humans are insignificant, and that our destructiveness is evidence that life is a chance event against a background of chaos.

But chaos does not exist in the universe, except after the evolution of man and creatures like man in the universe. Order flows out of order. The universe did not begin in chaos, but in silence and order. There is no such thing as chaos the cosmic sense, just different degrees of order and complexity. Chaos is the outcome of the disorder generated by thought.

Certainly we humans are not unique and alone in the universe. So why does the emergence of symbolic thought generate fragmentation and chaos?

Our self-understanding as a species cannot wait until astrobiologists confirm that the emergence of life is nearly as much a property of the universe as the formation of planets. Astronomers have discovered thousands ‘exo-planets’ orbiting distant suns, a few in ‘habitable zones’ probably with water, like Earth. And the recent landing of another mission to Mars may discover that life evolved there independently in the distant past, thereby confirming that life is as common as liquid water in the universe.

In the lifetimes of many people alive today, astronomers will probably discover that rudimentary (single celled) life is quite common in the universe; multi-cellular organisms are quite uncommon; and sentient, potentially intelligent species such as man, are rare. Many people believe that we’ve already been contacted by extraterrestrials, and that they ‘seeded’ human civilization, or are about to invade.

That’s very unlikely. We may be being watched, but my hypothesis is that all sentient life passes through the same crisis of consciousness that humankind is presently experiencing. Those potentially intelligent species that emerge from the crucible have neither the capacity for inter-species conflict, nor the desire to interfere with the process of conscious transmutation in sentient species on other planets.

If science discovers that life has emerged twice in our own small solar system — say, on Mars, or under Saturn’s ice-crusted moon Enceladus — it would mean that life is abundant in the universe. Of course that still leaves the question of sentient life like humans, but the probability that there are no other creatures of symbolic-thought and advanced technology in our galaxy alone then drops to nearly nil.

With respect to the Fermi Paradox (“Where are they?”), it may well be that there is a “prime directive,” and every potentially intelligent species is completely responsible for its own transition from symbolic thought’s fragmentation, to intelligence and basic harmony with nature and the universe.

The brain that gave rise to religion and science is the same brain that pits the religious mind against the scientific mind. However neither science nor organized religion can solve the human crisis, because both are the product of the dualistic consciousness of thought.

Nature is the ground of our existence and continuation as a species. As individuals, a relationship to nature provides a mirror to one’s mind, which is the mind of man.

An experiencing of the immeasurable, immanent wholeness and holiness of the universe occurs when one has at least a moment of communion with nature every day. Then one glimpses, beyond words and knowledge, our place in the universe.

Martin LeFevre

lefevremartin77 at

The post Discovering Our Place In the Universe first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Insight Is the Real Promethean Fire

A flock of small birds lands in the shallows of the stream, and a few begin furiously beating their wings in the water. More join in, and suddenly there are a couple dozen sparrows taking a bath at the same time.

They all seem to be great friends, thoroughly enjoying the afternoon splash. One by one they dart off, flying downstream even as others fly up. It is a marvelous sight, so full of movement and life.

Watching everything outside and inside on the mild afternoon, meditation descends like a soft breeze through the trees. As always, it comes completely unbidden, after all effort and goal- seeking have dissolved in sensory enjoyment and passive awareness.

One’s particular perspective ends with meditation, replaced by a whole view in the present, outwardly and inwardly. Naturally everyone has a slightly different perspective. Culture, education, religion and even the climate affect how we see things, which varies from place to place and person to person. Superficially, these varying backgrounds make for variety, also known as ‘diversity.’ But below the surface adhering to ‘my perspective’ generates conditioned differences, division and conflict.

Where conditioned differences are primary, there is inevitably division and fragmentation. Some people think individualized viewpoints are good, and most people think they are the immutable basis of being human. Paradoxically however, authentic uniqueness and diversity flower when psychological separation and superficial differences end. Diversity flows from wholeness, not from difference, much less separate identity.  

Though humankind now has the scientific and technological means for providing food, clothing, shelter, health care and education to everyone, the gulf between the haves and have-nots is widening all over the world. At the same time, man’s psychological separativeness is fragmenting the Earth to the breaking point.

Climate change and the destruction of the Earth’s diversity are global, the result of man’s misuse of symbolic thought. So why do we continue to assume that we can only see things from personal and cultural perspectives? Is this ingrained idea due to Western individualism, global consumerism, or something deeper?

Nearly all people nearly all the time view themselves and the world from a center, which is to say from a self, individualistically or collectively. Looking at nature and the world in terms of a center is apparently universal.

In the first century, the Greek astronomer Ptolemy, working in the great library in Alexandria, produced his earth-centered system of the universe. The Ptolemaic worldview held sway until the 16th century, when Copernicus demonstrated that the Earth revolved around the sun. Einstein in turn overthrew that paradigm, showing that all centers are relative and in flux, and that no point is permanently fixed in relation to others. There is in fact no center in the universe.

Psychologically however, we cling to the Copernican, if not Ptolemaic way of viewing the world. Taking the center, self and ‘me’ as a given has produced both widespread narcissism and atavistic tribalism. Advertizing and consumerism reinforce personal identity as the highest principle. A recent TV ad carries things beyond absurdity by extolling “the You-niverse.”  No wonder there is so much division and conflict between people, at home and abroad.

Rather than ending war after the bloodiest century in human history, the 20th century, war became a permanent condition with “the global war on terror.” But the ‘us vs. them,’ permanent war mentality could not be externally sustained, and it boomeranged, generating tremendous polarization, mob rule, and ‘domestic terrorism.’  

To look from other people’s perspectives and see the world through other people’s eyes is certainly a good thing. In awakening meditation however, one learns how to look from no particular perspective — that is, not from a center at all.

Then who or what is looking? There is no separate entity. We assume there must be an observer for there to be observation, when in fact the observer prevents observation.

In ending the center, one glimpses through ‘the mind of God,’ though not in any deistic or theistic sense, which is just another thought-projected center. Learning how to observe without the observer, and diligently experimenting and exploring with pure observation every day, one sees without a center and ignites the Promethean fire within.

Martin LeFevre

lefevremartin at

The post Insight Is the Real Promethean Fire first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Negation Is the Essence of Meditation

Whether one calls it meditation, mindfulness, or simply awareness, learning the art of undivided observation is essential to during inwardly alive during this dark age.

The human mind, for tens of thousands of years, has cultivated an accumulative brain. The human adaptive pattern involves noticing and storing all the information about our surroundings that we can. From that storehouse, the mind consciously forms and recombines mental symbols, accruing useful knowledge and skills to exploit vastly different environments. No other animal on earth does this.

This accumulative tendency does not stop with useful information however. The brain records virtually all experiences, as well as every fear, hurt and grudge, real or imagined. That content forms the dark core of individual and collective darkness.

Conditioning is not a given; the mind/brain has the capacity to remain young, pliable and innocent. But one has to diligently and playfully work at it, or conditioning, with its increasing accumulation of ‘dark matter,’ steadily narrows the mind, stultifies the heart, and limits the capacities of the brain.

A shift in consciousness begins the moment the infinite regression of the separate observer ends in passive attentiveness. Then, simply observing without judgment, analysis or choice, the accumulative mind/brain begins to empty itself of the unnecessary content of memory.

That includes images about oneself and others; automatic associations triggered by words, sounds or smells; and ideas and ideologies about ‘my family,’ ‘my town,’ and ‘my country.’ Psychological memory is inherently divisive, and erodes the spiritual capacity of the human being.

For the mind’s habitual accumulative pattern to be reversed, and the mind and heart to empty useless and destructive content every day (we’re all subject to PTSD to one degree or another), the automatic mechanism of separation as the observer has to end.

There is no method to doing that; one simply has to energetically but passively watch the movement of one’s own thoughts and emotions, and the habit of separation as the observer (the wellspring of self-centeredness) ceases, without effort, will or concentration.

The fog had begun to burn off, then returned to wrap around the hills and linger over the fields. As it began to lift again, the mist refracted the light in such a way that every twig and leaf stood out with tremendous vividness.

Despite the earth-hugging blanket, the morning was mild, and there was little dampness or chill. I sat without discomfort under a huge sycamore, peering out over the fields toward the enshrouded canyon and foothills beyond town.

The visibility was about 150 meters. Suddenly for the first time in over a year, I saw a kite, a gracile type of falcon, right at the edge of the fog. It flew 20 meters or so, and then hovered, repeating the pattern a half dozen times until it disappeared into the mist.

The sight of the kite’s exquisitely graceful flight at the edge of the world produced a reverential feeling. Suddenly the things around me, which had appeared flat and colorless, came alive. It felt as though one was watching an ancient earth with the eyes of everyone who had ever felt its mystery.

The little creek, completely dry during the summer and fall months, is running full again. For the Native Americans who made this area their home, the return of the water would have been an important event. When we are deeply aware of the earth, and look with innocent eyes, we glimpse the land through the eyes of all people who have lived upon the Earth and loved it as few moderns do.

Standing slowly and rising to my full height, the entire panorama lay before me. I was jerked back to ‘reality’ by the sight of ‘monster houses’ at the mouth of the canyon. This town has had the sense to preserve the canyon, but it has not seen fit to protect its viewshed from becoming the private reserve of a wealthy few.

A welcome sun began to warm my back. It quickly dispelled the fog over the fields and hills. I stood still for a few more minutes, feeling grateful for having been given the capacity and time to receive such a benediction.

Martin LeFevre

lefevremartin77 at

The post Negation Is the Essence of Meditation first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Under The Radar Costa Rica Destinations to Visit in 2021

Even before the pandemic, Costa Rica was seeing a rise in people traveling to, vacationing, and in some cases purchasing real estate in more under-the-radar destinations. 

The amazing things about these destinations are they are sometimes untouched, pristine locations where you get a feel for what Costa Rica was like over twenty years ago, back in the 20th century before tourism took off. 

Think friendly locals, most of whom are born and brought up in the area, less development, and pristine nature.

Manuel Antonio, Arenal, Jaco, and Tamarindo. These are destinations that are becoming well-known on the global tourism map.  Places like Monteverde, Santa Teresa, and even the once well-forgotten southern Caribbean villages of Cahuita and Puerto Viejo are also slowly sneaking themselves into tourism fame in Costa Rica.

But Costa Rica still has many off-beaten-path destinations, delighting those who enjoy the more pioneering side of tourism.  Here, we weigh in on some of the lesser known destinations in the land of Pura Vida.


Located around 45 minutes south of Manuel Antonio, Uvita offers lush, primary rainforest hitting pristine beaches with waves to tempt the most avid surfers.

The Marino Ballena National Park dominates this part of Costa Rica, where the Central Pacific zone turns into the deep, remote south. Visitors here will find the famous Whale’s Tail natural formation, sticking out onto the ocean from the beach.

What’s Uvita’s more-crowded Costa Rica alternative?

Manuel Antonio.

Best places to stay?

Kura Design Villas, Hotel Three Sixty.

San Gerardo de Dota:  

Birdwatchers know this location as a prime spot to find the resplendent quetzal, but San Gerardo de Dota has a lot more to offer. 

This mountainous area on the other side of the Cerro de la Muerte is the birthplace of the famous Savegre River, which flows downhill for over 30KM, offering some of Costa Rica’s best rafting before it empties into the Pacific Ocean. The water is crystal clear here, full of fat rainbow trout and fly fishing opportunities.

Hiking trails abound through the cloud forests, and if you seek a natural highland setting in Costa Rica, there’s no better place. 

What’s San Gerardo de Dota’s more-crowded Costa Rica alternative?


Best places to stay?

Trogon Lodge, Dantica Cloud Forest Lodge.

San Ramon:  

It may not be totally geographically accurate, but we’re going to go macro when describing San Ramon. We’ll not only cover the town itself, but that whole area of Costa Rica to the northwest of the Central Valley, from San Ramon itself over to the Bajos del Toro and the Juan Castro Blanco National Park.

This is an area of pure rural Costa Rica, complete with quaint agricultural towns, coffee plantations, virgin rainforests, and waterfalls galore.

It also makes a nice stop between San Jose and the Arenal Volcano area, or San Jose and the beaches of Guanacaste. This whole part of Costa Rica represents another time, a softer, gentler time when pura vida really meant something.

You won’t find many tourists around here either, they’re all hiking and chasing waterfalls elsewhere, leaving you to do all that alone amid spectacular surroundings.

What’s San Ramon’s more-crowded Costa Rica alternative?

Monteverde, Arenal, the Central Valley

Best places to stay?

Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Hotel, El Silencio Lodge

Southern Nicoya Peninsula:

The southern Nicoya Peninsula is up and coming. The surf town of Santa Teresa is probably Costa Rica’s coolest hot spot at the moment, attracting tourists and expats alike to its pristine beaches.

But head out of there, north (if you can – the roads are rough) up the coast and you’ll find another world. Between Santa Teresa in the south and Playa Samara in the north, there’s a long, long stretch of coastline little visited by mainstream tourists.

This part of Costa Rica is full of secret surf spots only accessible along potholed roads and through river fords you can only manage with an four-wheel drive. Not many people venture out here apart from the most adventurous.

You won’t find many places to stay over here, we’re talking surf camps and a backpackers hostel here and there, or a real camp, like with a tent.

But those who make the effort will find their reward in the form of uncrowded, massive beaches like Playa Coyote or Playa Ario. They’ll find salty days and some of the best sunsets they’ll ever experience. This is Costa Rica beachlife at its most real and will surely change very soon once the developers come in.

What’s the Southern Nicoya Peninsula’s more-crowded Costa Rica alternative?

The Gold Coast beaches of Guanacaste

Best places to stay?

Hotel Punta Islita

Piedras Blancas National Park:

If you’re coming all the way down this far south in Costa Rica, chances are you’re heading for the Osa Peninsula and the world-famous Corcovado National Park.

There’s nothing wrong with that, the Osa is beautiful and holds some 2.5% of the planet’s biodiversity. Plus, you’ll find some of the best eco lodges in the world.

But we’d ask you, while you’re here, to cast your eye across the Gulfo Dulce to the mainland, north of Golfito, where you’ll find the absolute pristine Piedras Blancas National Park.

This park has everything Corcovado has except for people. Virgin rainforests meet the tranquil waters of Golfo Dulce, home to dolphins and where humpback whales come to breed twice a year. Piedras Blancas is unassuming next to its more well-known neighbor and that’s what makes it so special.

For a pure rainforest experience, Piedras Blancas can’t be beaten.

What’s Piedras Blancas’ more-crowded Costa Rica alternative?

The Osa Peninsula/Corcovado National Park

Best places to stay?

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge

These are only five lesser known spots in Costa Rica for travelers to visit once this pandemic is in the rear view.

There are plenty more places you haven’t heard of yet, but should have in this beautiful country, plenty more places to surprise you.

Even if you’re coming down and staying in some of the more famous areas, you’ll still have a great time, but please, if you can, see about venturing off-piste a little to check out a whole new country.

You won’t regret it.

The post Under The Radar Costa Rica Destinations to Visit in 2021 first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Taxes on Global Income for Costa Rica Businesses

The Executive Branch was reviewing a proposal to lower tax on companies with profits of ₡109 million or more to 27.5%. It was considered for two weeks, but, ultimately, it was decided against. Those companies will continue to pay 30%.

The newest version of the global income plan will thus eliminate the idea of reducing tax for companies making that much. The idea of global income is to pay tax on all income together instead of separately.

The new wording eliminates the idea of modifying tax amounts on company profits and limits the plan to just reforming the way the State collects tax from individuals.

Taxes will not be collected on profits generated abroad. Supplementary pensions will be exempt from tax. Micro, small, and medium-sized companies will continue to pay between 5% 20%, based on their income level.

The post Taxes on Global Income for Costa Rica Businesses first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

50 Year Anniversary of Apollo 13 Astronaut Visiting Costa Rica

50 years ago, an astronaut from Apollo 13 announced that he would visit Costa Rica. Astronaut Fred W. Haise Jr. was the most famous of all those invited to come to the third meeting of geologists from Central America, on February 15, 1971.

The meeting was attended by scientists from Europe, North America, South America, and Central America. Many organizations were represented at this scientific event of great importance. 

Mr. Haise gave a conference to the press to talk about his experiences during his trip to the Moon. He also appeared on TV to share about his journey with the public. He used slides and films.

The objective of the Apollo 13 mission was to land on the moon. The landing was not carried out because of some difficulties but the satellite was able to circumvent the moon before its return to Earth.

The post 50 Year Anniversary of Apollo 13 Astronaut Visiting Costa Rica first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Haunted Manteca

Manteca has a history of hauntings and one of those places is the building that was formerly known as Kelley Brother’s Brewery. The picture above is Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Psychic Medium at a doorway of the former brewery.  According to the website “Haunted Places” a visitor to the site wrote this: “This former brewery is now a restaurant, but even before then, there was a theatre that burnt down on the original site. It is believed that the ghosts of people who died in the inferno still haunt the building, including fire fighters and movie patrons in period clothing.

After receiving some reports on the paranormal hotline, Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium, me and our two ghost hunting dogs Story and Hannah headed out to these two addresses:

112 E Yosemite Avenue, Manteca, CA

100 E Yosemite Avenue, Manteca, CA

Before we arrived to the addresses above, we stopped off at French Camp Chinese Cemetery.  Deanna detected a male spirit at the cemetery walking around.  I was unable to capture any evidence of this spirit.  The dogs got excited and started chasing something that I couldn’t see.  Story has a good sense of picking up on entities.  After our impromptu investigation at this cemetery, we headed over to what was once known as Kelley Brother’s Brewery Company.  When it was Kelley Brother’s Brewery Company, this is what they had to say about themselves:

“Kelley Brother’s Brewing Company has been brewing award winning, hand crafted beer for over eleven years. Our brewers have over 30 years of brewing experience and take pride in having one of the best equipped microbreweries and the best brews in the state. Our food is top notch too! We cook all of our meats in a very distinct way. Our grandfather built his first Chinese Oven nearly 3 generations ago and we have continued the tradition of his fine art of slow cooking meat that not only enhances the flavor but also locks in all of those great natural juices that will have your mouth watering and your appetite satisfied. We are a family place that has a true passion for great food, drink, service and fun. We treat everyone like family and look forward to fixing you a great meal served with an ice cold handcrafted brew that will make you wanting more.”

Stan Hecklum from Stockton says that he and his two buddies went to the building that was once Kelley Brother’s Brewing Company late at night.  Stan says it was around 11pm.  The date was 12/22/2020.  As they walked around the building and being curious if the building was truly haunted, they attempted to get some EVPs on their smart phone.  After several attempts, Stan captured an EVP that said “good food, you stay”.  The EVP was a man’s voice.  As they walked around the building, they felt intense heat and just for a few seconds saw a raging fire manifest out of nowhere.  On this night, it was very cold, but the heat for a few seconds was so intense that Stan thought he would get burned.   Stan reminded me that at this location, there was a major fire at the movie theater that once stood at this spot.  I searched the internet and found this information in regard to the fire:
For more than 40 years, the El Rey Theater, built in the 1930 was one of the most popular and most beautiful movie theater in the Central Valley. The dream ended 1975, when a fire gutted the entire theater. The event of course made the news, especially due to the rather ironic fact that the fire started during the last screening of “Towering Inferno”.

For 22 years, the theater remained a ruin, until Kelly Broth. rebuilt it as a new brewery and pub.

It opened in 1999 and quickly became one of the most popular hangouts in Manteca. Then, in 2003, it made the news again in 2003, when on the morning of February 2nd, another fire broke out; this time in the pub’s oven. According to the fire departments report, the sprinkler system worked and an automatic fire alarm system enabled firefighters to quickly extinguish the fire. However, this kind of “lightning striking twice in the same place” created a ghost story, stating that the building sits on a hotspot that frequently ignites.

Fact is, fires broke out at least twice in this place. The first one, in 1975, ended the buildings history as a movie theater, the second one, in 2003 almost destroyed the brewpub that is now in place of the old theater.

The first fire ironically happened during the last screening of “Towering Inferno”. That fire was certainly devastating, as it gutted the entire building, but we couldn’t find any records of casualties. However, local folklore (also reported at has it that “…ghosts of dead firefighters and movie patrons are said to wander the restaurant looking for a way out.”

Deanna and I, walked around these buildings and attempted to get some EVP evidence, unfortunately there was too much car noise contaminating our recordings. I interviewed a guy walking down the sidewalk near the former brewery, his name is Hardy Wilcox from Lodi.  Hardy says that he has family in Manteca and comes to Manteca on a frequent basis.  He says that on one night, around 8pm, he was walking near the brewery and felt a tugging on his pant’s  leg.  He looked down and saw the smiling face of a little girl.  He could only see the head of the girl and she had curly blonde hair.  She appeared for a mere couple of seconds and then vanished. Hardy says this area is definitely haunted.

After our investigation today, we all stopped at KFC in Manteca and I shared my chicken strips with my hungry ghost hunting dogs.  It was a nice day for a paranormal investigation.

Some years back, HPI investigated a haunted warehouse and here is one of the videos from that investigation:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help

The post Haunted Manteca first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

Changing Major: Is It a Necessity?

A lot of college students have a feeling that they are studying not a subject they enjoy. Regardless of the year, it does not make any of them a failure or loser. Besides, the world changes so fast that people need to learn to adapt to it. Thus, changing a major can be one of the best solutions. So, if you have some below signs, think about this matter seriously.

Red Flags for Changing a Major

About half of the students change their major before graduation. Even though it will take more time and may cost more, they do this. So, if you have noticed one of the below signs, consider changing your major before it is not too late.

1.    You are Bored and Cannot Make Yourself Study

Are you involved in the classroom? Are you the only one who is not engaged in the discussion? What about homework and other assignments? Are you interested in doing them? Or will you prefer to order Essaysmatch writing help instead of dealing with these boring tasks?

There can be several reasons for this. First of all, you may just be tired. So, think if your schedule ensures a sufficient amount of sleep. Another possibility is a lack of motivation. However, the second reason may also be a signal that your major is not a perfect match for you. So, think about your future and future profession. Do you like this picture? This response will help you.

2.   Your Parents Chose a Major for You

Are your parents lawyers or doctors? If they can help you with your career when you follow their steps, it does not mean that it is the best choice for you. What if you cannot stand blood? After all, everyone has the right to study and work in the niche they are fond of or belong to. In high school, you might have not understood this or simply obeyed your parents. It is time to make a grown-up decision now.

3.   Your Reasons for Choosing a Major Were Incorrect

What were you thinking about when deciding? Was that a profit you will make in the future? Have you opted for a major because you didn’t want to part with your boyfriend or girlfriend (or best friend)? And now you regret doing this. Well, it is better to correct this mistake before you graduate. Otherwise, you risk working all of your life on the position you dislike.

4.   You Are Wondering About Other Subjects

Do you think that the classes of your friend are more interesting? Do you hang out with students from the other department? Think about what your real interests are. If it is your major that does not interest you, you already know which decision you should make.

5.   You Complain About Your Education/College All the Time

Well, the majority of students dislike something about their studies, professors, curriculum, etc. It is okay. However, if you realize that you dislike everything, it is a sign that your program does not match your expectations.

6.   You Hate Talking About the Future

It is one of the worst signs. The future should be something to dream about, not something you hate. Just imagine that you will hate all of your working days for the rest of your life. It does not sound promising, does it? Stop denying the truth and think about your real interests.

To Conclude

Changing a major is an essential step to take, leading to serious consequences: longer duration of studies, higher cost, etc. So, it is worth discussing the matter with your parents or an adult you trust. It is better to think about this now than to regret it for the rest of your life.

The post Changing Major: Is It a Necessity? first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

What Not to Do in a Ford Dealership in Indianapolis

Many people hint that buying a car is as easy. You just have to go to the dealership, choose the vehicle that you want, and drive off with it. However, if you are going to get financing options, everything can become complicated.

There are also the negotiations, test drives, insurance, and other papers that you need to know. The path of purchasing a car is filled with obstacles that if you don’t watch out, you may be entering into an agreement that may get you into financial trouble. The good news is that when you go to the Ford dealership Indianapolis, you’ll be able to get countless information about what you’re getting into. You’ll have knowledge on how you should handle the situation as well.

What you need is to formulate a plan and ensure that everything is prepared before you even go. Here are some tips that should help you before going into the local vehicle seller in your area.

1. Don’t Enter the Showrooms without a Solid Plan

Dealerships are not restaurants where you can enter and stroll without necessarily knowing what to eat. If you want to have a decent car at a reasonable interest rate, you should plan your budget, a specific Ford car that you would like to own, and the current financing options available.

If you shop into a Ford dealership without knowing your financial capabilities and the specific type that you wanted, you may be giving yourself the trouble. A misspent and unprepared visit can haunt you for the rest of your life. You need to know the amount of money that you can afford to spend in a month and how you’re going to use the vehicle. Read more about financing car loans the smart way in this link here.

2. Don’t Let the Recommendations of Salespeople Get to You

A salesperson may approach you, saying that this vehicle is the latest model and currently in stock. They might persuade you into thinking that you’re getting the best deals, but if you want to get a Ford SUV, you need to stick to your plan. Think carefully about the car that you want to get and research about its performance, engines, and other features.

If you are not specific with what you want, you’ll be easily led into buying a car that you may hate in the next months. Many shops will attempt to sell their customers the vehicles that they want to get out of their inventories, and it might not be in your best interest.

3. No Discussion of Early Trade-Ins

It’s always possible to sell your old vehicle to dealers or get a trade. Many buyers find this convenient when they can save money and get rid of the old car at the same time. If this is what you’re aiming for, it’s essential to research your vehicle’s current value and decline the offer if the salesman’s quote is too low.

If everything turns out that you are still in an “upside-down” situation with the old vehicle, you may still have a large sum owed on that, and it may not be worth it if you get a trade. It’s important to settle the old debts before getting a new one to prevent digging the proverbial financial hole for yourself. The least that you could do is to look for private buyers and negotiate a higher rate so that you can pay off the first debt and get a new vehicle. Know more about the trade-in process here:

4. Never be Pressured to Give your Drivers’ License or Car Keys

Many dealers are still attempting to engage in several methods designed to keep their customers in the showroom until the new car’s papers are signed. This can be an anachronistic way for many and not the ideal scenario. Still, they can prevent this by not giving their information firsthand and their valuables upon entering the store.

One of the situations where you may find yourself stuck in the store is during a test drive. At this time, the salespeople may ask for your license and car keys as security. When you leave without buying, your valuables suddenly go missing. This is not as rampant as the olden days, but you may want to check a specific seller’s reviews online to ensure that they won’t try anything just to keep you in-store.

The post What Not to Do in a Ford Dealership in Indianapolis first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.

US Drug Testing Programs – How to Implement One?

Are you about to implement a drug-testing program? Nowadays, the majority of companies find these screening programs essential in preserving the safety of their workers and deterring drug use.

Nevertheless, a drug testing policy can only be effective if employers ensure all employees and supervisors understand their responsibilities and the dangers of drug abuse. Training and assistance programs are highly recommended to companies looking to introduce such policies.

The following tips will assist you in implementing the best program.

Customize the program to the needs of your company

The inceptive thing to take into account when introducing a drug-testing program is matching it to your company’s requirements. After determining the exact reason for implementing such a policy, employers stand a better chance of customizing it to their specific needs. In some industries, employers are obliged to conduct such screening so as to adhere to federal laws. Go here for a better understanding of the random company drug testing policy.

Make sure you check the legal requirements in your state prior to developing a program. For instance, the U.S Department of Transportation imposes clear requirements regarding the drug testing policy for employees in this industry. Keep in mind that certain industries, such as the transportation and construction industry, impose more rigorous requirements in view of drug screening due to the detrimental impact of drugs and alcohol on the safety of workers.

Choose a type of screening

The following step of implementing a drug-testing program is selecting the right screening method. Given the popularity of these programs, it’s no wonder drug testing providers have expanded the range of screening methods, including mouth swabs, urine, hair, breath alcohol tests, etc. Mouth swab tests are the most convenient to perform, but hair follicle tests are known for providing the most accurate results.

Apart from pre-employment testing, a large number of employers implement a few more methods embodied in their screening programs. For example, employers looking to discourage workers from substance abuse can include random drug testing in their program, whereas those keen on providing assistance to addicts by not firing them right away should select a follow-up or return-to-duty screening method.

Besides choosing the right screening methodology, employers are expected to make a choice of the substances they’ll test the employees for. Companies are advised to use a panel test including various substances like methadone, marihuana, amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, barbiturates, CBD oil, etc. See this link,, to learn more about the types of illegal amphetamines, their harmful effects, addictive nature, and treatment options.

Set up a written policy

Once employers select the best screening methods for their companies, the next step requires setting up a written policy to clearly define their regulations regarding substance abuse testing. It’s paramount for the policy to abide by the state laws, which are constantly changing. Also, a medical disclosure policy should be included by employers whose employees work in accident-prone positions.

Such a medical policy is essential for informing business owners about the influence of certain prescription drugs on the safety of workers. Consequently, whenever a worker uses such a prescription, the employer should find an alternative job position for him/her for the time being.

Moreover, a clear written policy is supposed to explain the consequences for workers whose substance abuse screens end up positive. The approach you select should be fair and in accordance with your business philosophy. Some companies waste no time in terminating the contracts of employees who failed the drug test, while others use warnings before termination.

In contrast, some firms suspend such employees and subject them to a follow-up test after a given timeframe. Other companies are more generous by allowing workers to keep their workplaces as long as they agree to take part in the assistance program of the company. Irrespective of the approach you choose, make sure it’s distinctly explained in the written policy to avoid legal issues.

Train your employees and supervisors

After setting up a written policy, it’s time to introduce everyone in the company to the policy’s details. In order for national drug testing programs to be successful, employees and supervisors are supposed to be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Workers should be educated about the harmful effects of drugs on their work performance, as well as the rules they need to adhere to while working in the firm. They should also be able to recognize the symptoms of substance abuse in their colleagues so as to inform their supervisors in case of noticing suspicious behavior.

Supervisors should be in charge of noticing even the slightest symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse in their employees. Consequently, they need to gain insight into the physical, behavioral, and psychological signs of using addictive substances. The physical signs are easy to notice, as workers would sweat, shiver, shake, fidget, have bloodshot eyes, sleep while at work, etc.

Behavioral signs become obvious over time, as employees are more absent than present at work, late most of the time, and less productive than before. Additionally, social distancing is another sign to look out for, especially in workers known for their sociable personality.

Last but not least, psychological signs are worth taking into account. Employees under drug influence exhibit moody behavior, get easily frustrated, laugh uncontrollably, have no concentration, etc. Noticing any of these signs is reasonable cause to ask a worker to get tested.

Introduce an assistance program

Employers prepared to lend a hand to workers coping with substance abuse are suggested to implement an assistance program. For example, such a program would include removing the employee temporarily from his/her job position and have him/her evaluated by a Substance Abuse Professional. Afterward, the person will be required to attend a treatment program, followed by a return-to-duty test, which he/she will have to pass in order to get back to work.

Final word

Make sure you implement a successful program designed to help every worker willing to give up drugs.

It’s worth the effort!

The post US Drug Testing Programs – How to Implement One? first appeared on The Costa Rican Times.